


American History: 20th Century

This year I have focused on the 20th century on all levels. In economics and German and English literature, I also focused on this period. In this way I had a comprehensive overview of the cultural and historical context of the 20th century. 

European History: 20th Century

In this course I focused more on the European history of the 20th century, although Europe exists in the context of world history and politics. The Netherlands and Germany were the focus of deeper study, because these are "my" countries and therefore are part of what shaped me and my world views. It was very enlightening to take a deeper look at European history. It was good that I had the parallel course in American history, because of the cultural connections and direct and indirect influence of American culture on European culture and politics and vice versa.  


American History: Prehistory - 19th Century 

An overview of early American history. 

European History: Middle Ages - 19th Century

European history with special focus on the history of northern Europe: Germany and the Netherlands. 



World History: civilization from Prehistory to modern times 

Comprehensive World history overview. 

European History: Prehistory - Classical Antiquity

Back to the roots of civilization. 




project Guenberg